Church in the Windshield
The Trinity United Methodist Church
July 14, 2019
Kansas, is the home of the Trinity United Methodist Church. The Trinity United
Methodist Church is an absolute piece of constructive art. Just a look at the
structure itself says to us, “Come and Worship . . . You are welcome.” I stop
for a moment and remember some of the pastors from years gone by and am
surprised by the number of clergy names that I recall. Russell Trinity has been a very stable church over the years, faithful to God and a blessing to the
and I make our pilgrimage up the slightly curved sidewalk but before we enter
the building, we observed the corner stone with a carved written message. The
message and blessing is taken from:
2 Chronicles
7:16 and contains these words: “I have chosen and sanctified this house that my
name may be there forever.”
1952 blessing from God and commitment from the church has been the sustaining foundation
for this church for many decades. It’s also a great reminder of what the church
is really all about. Jesus implied, “I have chosen this place to bare my name
forever.” What an awesome responsibility!
we entered the sanctuary, we observed the worship area and saw the mighty pipe
organ. Churches often favor this delightful aid of worship. It’s not only the heavenly full resonating
voluminous sounds that lift the spirit to the heavens on high, but the pipes
add to the church décor as well. I not only like to hear the beautiful music
emanating from the pipes but also the slight “chuff, chuff” particularly of the
larger pipes as air enters their well-tuned voices of praise.
were flowers on the altar in good taste of yellows, reds and brown. Each stood
behind a candle of light like cherubs, protecting the word of God, holy and
true. Two cloths, adorned the altar of
this holy place, each with crown and cross to remind us of the death and
resurrection of a king. The altar itself reminds me of the Ark of the Covenant
as identified in Exodus 25:10.
"Have them make an ark of acacia
wood—two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a
half high.
(A cubit is approximately 18 inches)
I am always amazed how modern day furniture ties to worship of
the past.
The Trinity Church has some of the most gorgeous stained glass
windows that deliver light, color, and message. You can feel the presence of
God even as you sit in the sanctuary and absorb the presence of the spirit.
These stained glass windows have such intricate detail that each
one must have taken countless hours and hours to lead the pieces of each one.
Art work like this can only be accomplished by using God given skills, talents,
and foresight vision.
The traditional worship service gave us a lift for the day and
the message was something that we needed at this point in our lives. God always
has some encouragement our lives if we listen through the word, singing,
praying and the pastor’s message. We give God thanks for all the pastor’s that
work so hard to hear God’s word through the week so they can share God’s
message on Sunday.
Pastors of all denominations receive a special calling from God
to give of themselves a life of service. What is a calling from God? It is like an inner voice that says, “Come
and follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19) Through
the spirit, pastors just know that is what God wants them to do.
At the close of the service and after friendly conversation, we
left the building and saw a sign worth a picture. Perhaps we could call it
another “Aha” moment.
I looked at the sign and thought to myself, God has no limits.
He does things in His own time, at His own speed and in His own way. None the
less, when God acts, it is never too early, never too late, but always right on
time . . . God’s time. So for me, the “Aha” moment was “slow down . . . be
patient and God will take care of you . . . in His own time.
If you would like to visit a friendly, down to earth church that
lifts up the name of God, then you will want to visit the Trinity United
Methodist Church in Russell, Kansas. Worship times are 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. The
church will give you a warm welcome
Until next time: Be patient and God will take care of you in His
own time.
Ron & Sheron, drivers behind the windshield
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