December 11, 2018

Church in the Windshield
2nd Sunday of Advent
December 9, 2018
It’s the second Sunday in Advent and party plans still occupy our thoughts, minds and focus. For a brief moment we remember the first Sunday in Advent; the hope it gives, the anticipation of what is to come and the excitement of the celebration of the birth of Christ.  It’s going to be a great party, shepherds will be invited to visit the Holy place and angels will be invited to sing. I wonder what they will sing; O Holy Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem . . . Away in a manger? Neither Jingle Bells nor Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer will likely be sung though. Come to think about it none of the above listed songs will likely be sung. Those songs were all written in our time . . . in our place in history and yet we sing them because they bring peace in our hearts and help us focus on what is really important.

Sheron and I reminisce about Jerusalem . . . and Bethlehem after having visited both places.  It’s amazing and intriguing to realize how close the shepherds were to the manger probably within two or three miles; maybe as close as a half a mile. We try to imagine being there and experiencing that now world renown event that goes viral two thousand years later.

In our minds eye, we see that it is a cold winter’s night. It’s a clear night with stars twinkling everywhere like colored fiber optic lights adorned through an inverted colander.

We imagine small herds of sheep bedded on the hillside warmed by their natural coats of wool. The sheep are resting . . . sleeping . . . trusting knowing that the night-watch shepherds will keep them safe from harm. It is so quiet and so peaceful . . . little do they know that the stage has been set for the most significant event in their life time and in ours.

Then an angel appears and then another . . . and another until a whole host of angels has made their debut like a singing flash mob in Time Square. The angles dressed in white hovered over the shepherds . . . and the sheep. They praise God and announce the birth of Jesus in a manager in Bethlehem. 

Sometimes, we think we would like to have been there when the angels came. We would like to have heard the voice and wonder if it was in the language of the shepherds. We would like to have heard the music and wonder if it was like a thousand voice choir singing the Hallelujah Chorus. Or maybe it was an overwhelming and breath-taking sense of peace! Today, we light the second candle, the PEACE candle.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27 NIV)

Until next time, keep the peace with God . . . and with each other.

Ron & Sheron, drivers behind the windshield

Epilogue: The Bethlehem, Shepherd & Sheep, Angel and Music graphics were all borrowed from the internet.



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