Church in the Windshield
Lucas United Methodist
August 26, 2018
Drive north on the main street of Lucas, Kansas to the water tower and there you will find the neatest well-kept Methodist church. It is a brick structure beautifully landscaped and everything about it says “Welcome”.
The church parking lot includes the water tower and what a great symbol! Churches traditionally represent the living water of Jesus Christ and here is a whole tower of (symbol) of that living water.
But, there is something about the church that makes it more than friends. There is a special spirit in that church; a spirit of “working together . . . praying for one another . . . listening to one another”.
There is a special spirit about the building itself . . . it’s massive for a rural church. There is a large cross in front of the sanctuary . . . beautiful stained glass windows and an eternal flame, symbol of the spirit.
There are chimes on the tower that ring out God’s glory with hymns and song at varies times of the day. Beautiful music from the chimes on Sunday morning remind area residence that it is time for church . . . and time for worship.
Members of the congregation started the church service that morning since the pastor serves three churches and would not be in there until later. The congregation sang hymns projected on the wall through very modern technology . . . and an excellent sound system. A number of children came down front to hear a wonderful story led by a member of the congregation.
Then we heard the firm steps of the pastor and our long-time friend Pastor Les Rye as he entered the sanctuary. He came down front . . . turned . . . saw us and waived a friendly greeting. It was good to be in his church again. He was dressed in a long sleeved shirt, jeans and western style boots, most appropriate for a rural mid-western church.
Pastor had a great message today as he always does. Today’s message came (in part) from the book of James . . . “Be quick to listen; slow to speak and quick forgive . . . Control the tongue and be in control of your life”.
At the end of the service the congregation slowly left the sanctuary each in turn shaking-hands with Pastor Rye. Some engaged in thoughts and positive comments about the morning message. Pastor Rye took the time to listen to each story or comment and share some of his own thoughts as well. Certainly, this is one of the traits that make him so popular and well accepted in the community.
Sheron and I left the church that morning being challenged by God’s word, the pastor’s message and the warm spirit of a friendly congregation. It’s that spirit that makes the Methodist Church such a vital part of the Lucas community.
Epilogue: If you would like to attend a warm and friendly church; experience God in a great way then stop by the Lucas United Methodist Church. The service starts at11:00 a.m. each Sunday and the church would love to have you.
Until next time, share the spirit and the living water. Let us hear from you and maybe we will see your church in our windshield.
Ron & Sheron, the drivers behind the windshield
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