Church in the Windshield
United Methodist Church
January 20, 2019

through with all of its glory radiating God’s Hope, Peace, Grace and the Joy of Jesus to all who will receive. The Hoisington Methodist has wonderful programs including one that encourages and brings families together. Sheron and I appreciated Teddy’s Corner (Teddy Williams the Parish nurse). This week’s corner gave keen insight to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which gave us inspiration for this week’s blog.
Hoisington, Kansas is a Central Kansas town that survived a tornado. So half of the town is old and half of the town is new. A church that weathered the storm stands humbly in the central western part of Hoisington. This church is the United Methodist Church. During the aftermath of the storm, the church housed a food bank, (and still does) offered prayers; brought encouragement,
comfort and hope to the community. How do I know . . . Sheron, and I were there during the aftermath? Sheron, pulled a wagon with cases of bottled water down the streets while I delivered bottles of water to thirsty workers and residents. We saw first-hand the wonderful work that the church was doing; people coming to the church for basic needs both physical and spiritual. Here was a church that flew the flag of victory high and dispensed God’s grace with the clarity of a bell. A bell now stands quietly perched on metal frame beside the church marquee.
stand there for a moment and listen . . . though the bell is not physically
ringing. I sense the bell ringing deep within my soul sounding out the joy that
this church has for God.
entry of the church, we saw the most beautiful sanctuary, so restful, so
peaceful . . . a church
with caring people. Our eyes were immediately drawn to
the front of the church to a gorgeous stained glass window of Christ with
outstretched arms. The caption within
the stained glass said, “Come unto me . . .” Isn’t that a comforting invitation?
How often we carry burdens that zap our spiritual lives, strain our emotional
lives and stress our physical bodies. But Jesus said, “Come unto me all you who are
burdened and heavy laden and I WILL give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 in part).
God is so good!
church service that morning followed a traditional United Methodist service
with greeting, singing, prayers and children’s time (called Young Disciples in
this church).

Until next time, enjoy the beauty that God
made in His own time and stay happy and peaceful in his presence.
Drivers behind the windshield, Ron &
Epilogue: If you would like to have a super
worship experience, stop by the Hoisington United Methodist Church, 467 W Third
St, Hoisington, Kansas. The people there will treat you right and share God’s
Grace in the process. Worship time is 11:00 a.m. each Sunday.
Pictures of the church are used by
permission; other pictures were free from the internet.